Metabolic syndrome and dementia associated with Parkinson's disease: impact of age and hypertension

Arthur Oscar Schelp, Cristiane Lara Mendes-Chiloff, Rodrigo Bazan, Vanessa Cristina Paduan, Ana Beatriz Maringolo Pioltini
2012 Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria  
OBJECTIVE: To determine correlations between age and metabolic disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. METHODS: This observational cross-sectional study included brief tests for dementia and the Mattis test. Signals of metabolic syndrome were evaluated. RESULTS: There was no significant effect from the presence of hypertension (OR=2.36 for patients under 65 years old and OR=0.64 for patients over 65), diabetes or hypercholesterolemia regarding occurrences of dementia associated with PD
more » ... 24% of the patients). The study demonstrated that each year of age increased the estimated risk of dementia in PD patients by 9% (OR=1.09; 95%CI: 1.01-1.17). CONCLUSION: There was no evidence to correlate the presence of metabolic syndrome with the risk of dementia that was associated with PD. The study confirmed that dementia in PD is age dependent and not related to disease duration.
doi:10.1590/s0004-282x2012000200008 pmid:22311215 fatcat:tklhadnjnbfutilqafeyostyue