Understanding blazar jets through their multifrequency emission

Rita M. Sambruna
2000 AIP Conference Proceedings  
Being dominated by non-thermal (synchrotron and inverse Compton) emission from a relativistic jet, blazars offer important clues to the structure and radiative processes in extragalactic jets. Crucial information is provided by blazars' spectral energy distributions from radio to gamma-rays (GeV and TeV energies), their trends with bolometric luminosity, and their correlated variability properties. This review is focussed on recent multiwavelength monitorings of confirmed and candidate TeV
more » ... rs and the constraints they provide for the radiative properties of the emitting particles. I also present recent observations of the newly discovered class of "blue quasars" and the implications for current blazars' unification schemes.
doi:10.1063/1.1291340 fatcat:uznt4jq6gzgxnletd4qugiwz6e