Production and Immobilization of Thermostable Oligosaccharide DFA III Producing Enzyme from Arthrobacter sp. L68-1

原口 和朋, 大坪 研一
A bacterium producing a thermostable inulin fructotransferase (DFAⅢ-producing) in a culture supernatant was isolated. Through taxonomical studies the strain was identified as Arthrobacter sp. L68-1. The inulin fructotransferase (DFAⅢ-producing) of the strain showed maximum activity at pH 5.5 and 55℃. The enzyme activity was stable up to 80℃ after 30 min heat treatment. This heat stability was the highest of the inulin fructotransferases (DFAⅢ-producing) reported to date. The maximum enzyme
more » ... ity (5.0 U/ ml) was obtained with a medium containing 0.5% Tryptone. An immobilized enzyme was prepared using Chitopearl BCW3510 as a carrier. The immobilized enzyme was able to be used eight times without a significant loss of the enzyme activity.
doi:10.24514/00002670 fatcat:d54twap2nzbulldenomdopb4oi