An alternative expression for the addition theorems of spherical wave solutions of the Helmholtz equation

H. J. H. Clercx, P. P. J. M. Schram
1993 Journal of Mathematical Physics  
An alternative formulation of the addition theorem for spherical wave solutions of the Hehnholtz equation is presented. The 3-j symbols of Wigner, or more precisely the Gaunt coefficient (complete solid angle integral of a triple product of spherical harmonics), which appear in the formerly introduced expressions of these addition theorems are replaced by an explicit matrix expression relating the spherical wave solutions defined with respect to the different origins. The generalized Gaunt
more » ... icients, which are complete solid angle integrals of a multiple product of spherical harmonics, can then be written in terms of a matrix product of basic matrices representing the Gaunt coefficient.
doi:10.1063/1.530305 fatcat:w7yim4g7gjaexkpvfdamwsav7m