On ther-Shifted Central Coefficients of Riordan Matrices

Sai-nan Zheng, Sheng-liang Yang
2014 Journal of Applied Mathematics  
By presenting Riordan matrix as a triangle, the central coefficients are entries in the central column. Starting at the central column, ther-shifted central coefficients are entries in columnrof the right part of the triangle. This paper aims to characterize ther-shifted central coefficients of Riordan matrices. Here we will concentrate on four elements of the subgroups of the Riordan group, that is, the Bell subgroup, the associated subgroup, the derivative subgroup, and the hitting time
more » ... up. Some examples are presented to show how we deduce the generating functions for interesting sequences by using different means of calculating theser-shifted central coefficients. Besides, we make some extensions in the Bell subgroup.
doi:10.1155/2014/848374 fatcat:tiomlkcgzrd3bcp2ukh7pqrtm4