Tuberculosis: una creciente amenaza para los trabajadores y estudiantes del área de la salud [chapter]

2021 Estudios de la tuberculosis desde la Sucursal del Cielo  
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacterium identified by Robert Koch in 1882 and that after a little more than a century, is recognized as the leading cause of death due to an infectious disease. TB usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other organs. Because its transmission is from person to person by inhalation of droplet-containing-bacteria suspended in the air, this disease is a public health concern. Daily, health workers are
more » ... exposed to numerous hazards, including close contact with infectious patients and their potentially contaminated environment. It is estimated that about 1,000 health workers contract HIV, Capítulo V. Tuberculosis: una creciente amenaza para los trabajadores y estudiantes del área de la salud
doi:10.35985/9789585147256.5 fatcat:rzm4rrgdkjdojgo77q23yqa35i