Vario-scale data structures supporting smooth zoom and progressive transfer of 2D and 3D data

Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers
2013 International Journal of Geographical Information Science  
This paper introduces the concept of the smooth topological Generalized Area Partitioning (tGAP) structure represented by a space-scale partition, which we term the space-scale cube. We take the view of 'map generalization as extrusion of data into an additional dimension'. For 2D objects the resulting vario-scale representation is a 3D structure, while for 3D objects the result is a 4D structure. This paper provides insights in: (1) creating valid data for the cube and proof that this is
more » ... possible for the implemented 2D tGAP generalization operators (line simplification, merge and split/collapse), (2) obtaining a valid 2D polygonal map representation at arbitrary scale from the cube, (3) using the vario-scale structure to provide smooth zoom and progressive transfer between server and client, (4) exploring which other possibilities the cube brings for obtaining maps having non-homogenous scales over their domain (which we term mixed-scale maps), and (5) using the same principles also for higher dimensional data; illustrated with 3D input data represented in a 4D hypercube. The proposed new structure has very significant advantages over existing multiscale/multi-representation solutions (in addition to being truly vario-scale): (1) due to tight integration of space and scale, there is guaranteed consistency between scales, (2) it is relatively easy to implement smooth zoom, and (3) compact, object-oriented encoding is provided for a complete scale range.
doi:10.1080/13658816.2013.809724 fatcat:eky27iazrjhnlczwr5y7zlekba