Biocerâmicas: tendências e perspectivas de uma área interdisciplinar

Elizabete Y. Kawachi, Celso A. Bertran, Ralpho R. dos Reis, Oswaldo L. Alves
2000 Química Nova  
6154 -13083-970 -Campinas -SP Recebido em 21/9/98; aceito em 10/2/00 BIOCERAMICS: TENDENCIES AND PERSPECTIVES OF AN INTERDISCIPLINARY AREA. The need for new materials to substitute injured or damaged parts of the human body has led scientists of different areas to the investigation of bioceramics since the 70's, when other materials in use started to show implantation problems. Bioceramics show some advantages like being the material that best mimics the bone tissue but also, present low
more » ... cal strength due to its ceramic nature. This paper presents a general view about the topic.
doi:10.1590/s0100-40422000000400015 fatcat:teerbjeuhva6nibhm6uql6bxwm