Studies on the Chemical and Botanical Properties of Artemisia kurramensis QAZILBASH cultivated in Japan. III
本邦産Artemisia kurramensis QAZILBASHの性状に関する研究 (第3報)

Tatsuichiro Kuroda
1962 Yakugaku zasshi  
Tatsuichiro Kuroda: Studies on the Chemical and Botanical Properties of Artemisia kurramensis QAZILBASH cultivated in Japan. ‡V. Components of the Essential Oil. (Ibaraki Prefectural Laboratory of Medicinal Plants*2) Content of volatile oil in the domestic Artemisia kurramensis cultivated experimen tally was found to be 0.618% in the flowers, buds, and leaves (September, 1958), and
doi:10.1248/yakushi1947.82.1_179 fatcat:mthn65fzw5eqpagn5hp2dtscaq