ß-Glucuronidase as a new potent biomarker in the diagnosis and prognosis of organophosphorus toxicity

Bhagwat Kale
2013 International Journal of Biological Research  
Organophosphorus poisoning occurs as a result of accidental exposure, suicidal and homicidal attempts. Organophosphorus compounds are known to cause selective release of liver microsomal ß-glucuronidase (BG) into serum. Dissociation of the egasynß-glucuronidase complex in the liver by organophosphorus compounds was followed by a massive release of ß-glucuronidase from liver into the serum. Objectives: There are few papers suggesting increase in activity of ß-glucuronidase (BG) in serum of
more » ... mental animals subjected to organophosphorus poisoning. But, still there is less or no such study in human beings having organophosphorus poisoning. Thus, aim of our this research was to estimate and correlate activity of ß-glucuronidase (BG) in different stages of organophosphorus poisoning. Methods: ß-glucuronidase (BG) activity was determined by Goldstein method. Results and Conclusions: We found that the serum activity of βglucuronidase (BG) proportionally increases (p < 0.01) and correlates with severity of organophosphorus poisoning. Further, there was found a significant increase in βglucuronidase (BG) activity in low dose (mild) poisoning also. Thus, βglucuronidase (BG) can be used as a potent biochemical marker in the diagnosis and prognosis of organophosphorus poisoning along with acetylcholinesterase or may also without acetylcholinesterase.
doi:10.14419/ijbr.v1i1.754 fatcat:ghfhbe3nobbtxm6sur4znj4dhu