MERLIN H2020 Project: MERLIN.BLU.3.3.7.D5.1-MapOfSupportServicesAndProgrammesInEU28 [article]

MERLIN Consortium
2019 Zenodo  
This document, D5.1 — Map of available support services and programmes in each EU28 country – is a deliverable of the MERLIN project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement #780460, and has been prepared by taking into account the template of the "Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020" and the "Fact Sheet: Open Access in Horizon 2020". Merlin aims to foster and accelerate the transfer of knowledge from the projects funded in FP7 and H2020, be it
more » ... n the form of license agreement, patent or ideally, spinoff or startup to directly exploit them, by organising practical hands-on workshops; meet ups with potential partners, customers and investors; and by attending scientific conferences to reach a wider public. The programme will equip participants with knowledge, skills and a network to generate market-led business models to unlock potential and accelerate this journey. The purpose of this deliverable is to describe the creation and design of an online tool that will help people identify suitable participant programmes, either public or private, which can fill in their needs of funding or finding partners, given the current status of their research results. This status is gathered through a questionnaire comprising six questions, also developed in the context of Work Package 5 as a result of the interviews carried out.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2586047 fatcat:khfx6dj6sra3deivuwxv72wqzu