Revised_Supporting_Information_CHL-20-0050_1 – Supplemental material for An Mn(II) cluster–based coordination framework derived from a C3 symmetric ligand: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties

Yong-Jun Bian, Yuan Tian, Ai-Hua Zhang, Yong-Qiang Chen
2020 Figshare  
Supplemental material, Revised_Supporting_Information_CHL-20-0050_1 for An Mn(II) cluster–based coordination framework derived from a C3 symmetric ligand: Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties by Yong-Jun Bian, Yuan Tian, Ai-Hua Zhang and Yong-Qiang Chen in Journal of Chemical Research
doi:10.25384/sage.12453074.v1 fatcat:smibxu6icbcppkixjkgdqvmafa