2022 International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics  
As a result of the INCDMTM Bucharest experience in the field of testing and real-time measurement of the distance between satellites in formation and benefiting from a consultancy in the field offered by RARTEL S.A., we created together the base of a new space project. That's how the idea, of a laboratory stand for testing the movement of satellites, in order to stay in formation and/or to ensure accurate movement of new satellite engines, was born. Two main possibilities were taken it into
more » ... ideration: the displacement of the satellites on an air cushion and another one by using magnetic suspension. The magnetic suspension was eluded because of possible influences of the magnetic field over the other components of the satellites. Our experience of over 35 years in building guiding systems with hovering air cushion and combined with the space specific experience of RARTEL S.A generated the confidence of the possibility of executing such a project in our country. The paper contains the basic ideas and strategies for approaching such a complex project for the first time in Romania. Feasibility studies have also shown the possibility of implementing such a system characterized by a clear and simple design, minimum preparatory adjustment requirements, clear visibility and direct interaction of all experiments, simple operation and high reliability. The start TRL is TRL 3 and final is at least TRL4. The proposed laboratory stand is a frictionless system able to sustain on an air cushion not only satellites but any other type of objects having more or less regulated shapes. So, it is possible to test, study and measure the dynamics of any device powered or not with a propulsion system, in frictionless conditions. Moreover, the system principle can be extrapolated and transformed in industrial environment into transportation systems for medium and small objects.
doi:10.17683/ijomam/issue11.28 fatcat:a4xj5c73dbamnbriosuf5di2kq