Traces "We" Leave Behind: Toward the Feminist Practice of Stig(e)merging

Monika Rogowska-Stangret, Olga Cielemęcka
2020 Ecozon@  
As Serpil Oppermann has stated "the Anthropocene has come to signify a discourse embedded in the global scale vision of the sedimentary traces of the anthropos" ("The Scale of the Anthropocene" 2). In the following article we wish to revisit the practice of leaving traces through thinking with wastes as traces human beings leave behind and lands of waste that co-compose today's naturecultures (Haraway, Companion Species). Situating our research in the context of Polish ecocriticism, we would
more » ... e to think-with an art project by Diana Lelonek entitled Center for the Living Things, in which the artist gathers and exhibits waste that "have become the natural environment for many living organisms" (Lelonek). Following the ambivalent and chaotic traces of wastes, we offer a concept of stig(e)merging to rethink the "unruly edges" (Tsing 141-54) of capitalist wastelands. We fathom stig(e)merging as a feminist methodology that relies on reacting to changes and alterations in the milieu, as well as the actions and needs of others, and on participating in the common work of reshaping the un/wasted world together with them.
doi:10.37536/ecozona.2020.11.2.3487 fatcat:2f3nm2gz5bhsjmgkail3tkfgnq