Fluorescentin situHybridization to Ascidian Chromosomes

Eiichi Shoguchi, Tetsuro Ikuta, Fumiko Yoshizaki, Yutaka Satou, Nori Satoh, Katsutoshi Asano, Hidetoshi Saiga, Takahito Nishikata
2004 Zoological Science  
The draft genome of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis has been sequenced. Mapping of the genome sequence to the Ciona 14 haploid chromosomes is essential for future studies of the genomewide control of gene expression in this basal chordate. Here we describe an efficient protocol for fluorescent in situ hybridization for mapping genes to the Ciona chromosomes. We demonstrate how the locations of two BAC clones can be mapped relative to each other. We also show that this method is efficient for
more » ... pling two so-far independent scaffolds into one longer scaffold when two BAC clones represent sequences located at either end of the two scaffolds.
doi:10.2108/zsj.21.153 pmid:14993826 fatcat:5ixlofeevzatjcp3igbhcfsqfy