Characterization of small genomic regions of the hepatitis B virus should be performed with more caution

Lei Jia, Fengyu Hu, Hanping Li, Lin Li, Xiaoping Tang, Yongjian Liu, Haohui Deng, Jingwan Han, Jingyun Li, Weiping Cai
2018 Virology Journal  
Hepatitis B virus is a hepatotropic DNA virus that reproduces via an RNA intermediate. It can lead to an increased risk of serious liver diseases such as hepatocellular carcinoma and is a serious threat to public health. Currently, the HBV are designated based on greater than 8% nucleotide variation along the whole genome. The recombination of HBV is very common, a large majority of which are recombinants between 2 genotypes. The current work aims to characterize a suspected recombinant involving 3 genotypes.
doi:10.1186/s12985-018-1100-x pmid:30526629 pmcid:PMC6288937 fatcat:3sw5bcawi5atpdz6k5ejmfmwhq