Verification of the Effectiveness of Education and Training by Triage of Multiple Casualties Using Mobile Virtual Practice

Jung-Seung Park, Hyun-Ho Shin
2021 Fire Science and Engineering  
This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of mobile virtual practice and present a new training method to improve the ability of 119 paramedics to triage in the event of multiple casualties. A total of 24 of the 119 paramedics were selected as subjects, and the experiment was conducted by classifying 12 and 12 into mobile virtual practice and lecture explanation groups, respectively. Both groups performed triage evaluations before and after education and practice, and additional
more » ... were completed for mobile virtual practice. Both groups of virtual practice and course description showed significant differences between pre-assessment and post-assessment. In the control group (lecture), the accuracy (29.16) increased from 49.17 ± 18.32 in the pre-test to 78.33 ± 16.42 in the post-test (p = .001). In the experimental group (virtual practice), the accuracy (24.2) increased from 60.0 ± 23.7 in the pre-test to 84.2±13.8 in the post-test (p = .004). If face-to-face education and training are not possible, mobile virtual practice should be considered. Moreover, various educational programs that are engaging and effective are needed.
doi:10.7731/kifse.739137da fatcat:73qdjxc4crdcxkismtodmipcqe