アンティグア・グアテマラにおける民族衣装の観光商品化とインディヘナの女性たち : グアテマラ織りとウィピルをめぐって

石井 真佑
The indigenous women of the Republic of Guatemala, known as indigenas in Spanish, wear their folk constume, huipil, in their daily lives. The huipil is made from a fabric produced through traditional Guatemalan weaving techniques inherited from the Mayan civilization. The patterns, colors, and designs differ among different regions and villages. In recent years, the advancement of tourism in the ancient city of Antigua Guatemala has resulted in a remarkable increase of tourist-oriented products
more » ... made from Guatemalan weaving, not only the conventional huipil but also accessory cases, bags, hats, shoes and the like.
doi:10.34382/00004470 fatcat:3ru3kd6jhfbspfxr66fcs4d4j4