Biochemical Attributes of Amniotic Fluid during Fetal Growth Stage of Successful Pregnancy in Rabbits

Hamayun Khan, Abdul Wahab, Navaid Kazi, Younas Muhammad, Summaya Kazi, Salman Kazi, Azmatullah Khan, Ikramullah Khan, Shakoor Ahmad
2018 Pakistan Journal of Zoology  
Authors ' Contribution HK conceived the idea of the research and wrote the manuscript. AW carried out the experimental work and YM, Summaya K and Salman K helped hiim. AK and IK helped in the execution of the experiments. SA and NK analysed of the data statically.
doi:10.17582/journal.pjz/2018.50.4.1307.1312 fatcat:dcvj737hljh4jhrw6rxhdmen6q