Welcome Message from Shen-Li Fu, Conference General Chair

2021 2021 16th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT)  
Dear Colleagues and Friends, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I'd like ot welcome all of you to the 16 th International Microsystems Packaging Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference "IMPACT 2021 Conference" . All the participants will be benefited from various sessions organized by the Technical Program Committee and the organizers including ITRI, IEEE EPS-Taipei, IMAPS-Taiwan , and TPCA . For grasping the latest trend, the symposium this year highlights the theme "IMPACT on 5G+" .
more » ... th the rapid growth of 5G coverage over the world, the 5G commercial network enables an array of revolutionary technologies such as loT, artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing and wearable devices . The organizers dedicated to develop the international conference to bring access to cutting-edge technology trends and international collaboration opportunities . Out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be carried out in real presentation, but supplement by virtual presentation . "IMPACT 2021 Conference: brings together the world's leading researchers, engineers, and the industrial experts . It's for sure we will be organizing a successful conference, and the experience with IMPACT 2021 will be fruitful and long lasting .
doi:10.1109/impact53160.2021.9696934 fatcat:gimpsaxtr5awndgzmlmcsmfivq