Spin Torque Study of the Spin Hall Conductivity and Spin Diffusion Length in Platinum Thin Films with Varying Resistivity

Minh-Hai Nguyen, D. C. Ralph, R. A. Buhrman
2016 Physical Review Letters  
We report measurements of the spin torque efficiencies in perpendicularly-magnetized Pt/Co bilayers where the Pt resistivity ρ_Pt is strongly dependent on thickness t_Pt . The damping-like spin Hall torque efficiency per unit current density, ξ^j_DL , varies significantly with t_Pt, exhibiting a peak value ξ^j_DL=0.12 at t_Pt = 2.8 - 3.9 nm. In contrast, ξ^j_DL/ρ_Pt increases monotonically with t_Pt and saturates for t_Pt > 5 nm, consistent with an intrinsic spin Hall effect mechanism, in which
more » ... ξ^j_DL is enhanced by an increase in ρ_Pt . Assuming the Elliott-Yafet spin scattering mechanism dominates we estimate that the spin diffusion length λ_s = (0.77 ± 0.08) × 10^-15Ω m^2 /ρ_Pt.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.116.126601 pmid:27058088 fatcat:5u5mpsxjsjbhvgg5a7dtaocyoi