Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, May 28, 1895] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
We received Six Pieces New Challies, and some New Bl^k Dress Goods. Call in as you pass and see >OTIOE. ToTiiaCmiaasorNaaaiuo aao 1 As 1 find it impossible to «rll all my stock at Auction, I will therefore offer the balance by private sale at Very Low Prices. g^.AII repairs wdll receive prompt and careful alieniton as usual. w. B. BOBEBTH. PuacticM. Watchmakhr & njiy Green Block, Na ns fliE as Essoia ™r FsttEias wim ALL ACCOUNTS Abo the remainder of the stock will be sold at COST-^fJ^^ whole En
more » ... Bloc. MTA good opportunity to a mao iietists 75 cents a pail 7 lb pails 85 cts pail 6, lb pails 70 pail C^UEESTV S Biritiday Celebration ivomc^iE a^ALI. PERSONS having areounU same to the undersigueil on or before FRID.AY. MAV31ST, 1S95 At 7 p. m. F. J. DEANE. ms7 .Secretary Celebration Committee. stnie to Rent. modious and centrallv situated store, now occupied by WVJ. VmiHoaten .itnate o<>. n 1st or early in June; ap DONALD SMITH. Commercial St, Nanaimo. !mo"m7l M^.065.771; tbnn thar. It a $1 578.67R7W. S2*d S.T.'S Sanaimo. iso can be given , ply to ne by any ps^ison '"^BEs7AMiN GR«.... .. .> Cedar District. B. C.. May s-th. '95.
doi:10.25316/ir-12584 fatcat:3zgo57ewhvdtrbhh3ysl3usqse