Gain-Scheduled Control Design Applied to Classical dc–dc Converters in Photovoltaic Systems and Constant Power Loads

Roberto M. Fuentes, Jonathan M. Palma, Hildo Guillardi Júnior, Márcio J. Lacerda, Leonardo de P. Carvalho, Alejandro J. Rojas, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira
2022 Mathematics  
This paper investigates the problem of control design for dc–dc converters, where the solution is especially suitable to address variations in the input voltage, a frequent situation in photovoltaic systems, and the problem of constant power load, where a nonlinear load is connected to the output of the converter. The proposed approach models the converters in terms of Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) models, which are used to compute gain-scheduled robust gains. The synthesis conditions provide
more » ... tabilizing controllers with an attenuation level of disturbances in terms of the H∞ norm. Moreover, the design conditions can also overcome pole locations to comply with physical application restrictions when ensuring transient performance. The validation of the controllers is made via simulation of the classical converters (buck, boost and buck-boost), showing that the proposed method is a viable and generalized control solution that works for all three converters, with guarantees of closed-loop stability and good performance.
doi:10.3390/math10193467 fatcat:urlvyhsmmvagdnuk3umnt2slzi