Dynamic Asymmetries in U.S. Unemployment

Gary Koop, Simon M. Potter
1999 Journal of business & economic statistics  
We examine dynamic asymmetries in U.S unemployment using nonlinear time series models and Bayesian methods. We n d strong statistical evidence in favor of a two-regime threshold autoregressive model. Empirical results indicate that, once we t a k e i n to account both parameter and model uncertainty, there are economically interesting asymmetries in the unemployment rate. One nding of particular interest is that shocks which l o wer the unemployment rate tend to have a smaller e ect than shocks
more » ... which r a i s e the unemployment rate. This nding is consistent with unemployment rises being sudden and falls gradual.
doi:10.1080/07350015.1999.10524819 fatcat:mc7wshci65cjriorxnmewqn4h4