Milestone 47 Follow up of certification status

Henri Ala-Lahti, Mari Kleemola, Benjamin Mathers, Hervé L'Hours, Maurizio Sanesi, Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
2022 Zenodo  
This document reports on the status of the certification support provided to select SSHOC repositories based on the SSHOC D8.2 Certification plan for SSHOC repositories. The plan set out three main modes of support: Raising awareness of the relevance of certification of repositories and the role of the CoreTrustSeal in this via existing communication channels. Workshops and webinars on repository certification. Review of self-assessments based on the requirements of the CoreTrustSeal. The
more » ... of these as well as the certification status of 49 repositories selected as candidates for certification support, and the support progress of 14 repositories are outlined in this document.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6282437 fatcat:cwaez57hongqxdmzidd5e7p7we