The Gastropod Fauna of the Afyon-Dinar İncirlipınar Spring, Turkey

Mehmet Zeki YILDIRIM, Mustafa Emre GÜRLEK
2019 Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research  
In this study 11 gastropod species belong to 2 subclass, 8 family and 11 genus (Theodoxus anatolicus, Bithynia pseudommericia, Graecoanatolica dinarica, Valvata piscinalis, Stagnicola palustris, Radix labiata, Planorbis planorbis, Planorbarius corneus, Bathyomphalus contortus, Acroloxus lacustris, Physella acuta) were determined on the İncilipınar spring which is one of the important aquatic resource of the Western Anatolian region.
doi:10.17216/limnofish.439588 fatcat:wejwf25l5ne2xgyenwe5innm5a