A Case Report on A Successful Behavior Modification of An Adolescent School Phobia

Sozo Uenishi
1977 Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine  
The principal factors of adolescent schQol phobia are often attributed to interpersonal anxiety 、 The present case was also in the state of maladjustment due te interpersonal anxiety . The author treated a case of adolescent schQol phobia by using assertive train 正 ng and syste _ ma 亡 ic desensitization procedures wlth marked success . Impressions were summarized as foltows : 1 ) Behavior therapy was effect 孟 ve in this patient with adolescent schQol phobia , 2 ) The symptom Qf this disorder
more » ... ld spontaneously be removed if ( a ) noxious stimuli and the anxiety reactiQn were precisely grasped ,( b ) abnormal reactions to those noxious stimuli were released and
doi:10.15064/jjpm.17.2_108 fatcat:6bzjfkyhbbbgzlbir5kkxkiyyy