Eastern Shore Whig and People's Advocate 06-1832

(:Unkn) Unknown
EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY TUB LAW* or THB CMIOR. THE TERMS . Are Two DOLLAB* and Firrr CEMTS per Annum payable half yearly in advance. AD-TKnTi*BMBirr*are inserted three times for OKE DOLLAB; aud continued weekly for TWKHTVrivc CCOTS per square. Front tlte London JVne Monthly ' * THE SPELLS OF HOME. . Bv Mi*. HEMAIM. By the loft Kitcn light In the wood; glade, By the btnlt* of moss where thy childhood plav'd, By the wiving tree through which thine «ye first look'd in love to the summer sky; By
more » ... he dewy gleam^by the very breath Of the primrose tnfU in the grass bcne»lh, Upon thy heart there laid a tpell Holy and precious oh! (uird it well!' By the sleepy ripple of the stream, ' Which hsth iull'd thce into miny a dream; y the shiver of the ivy-)e«ves, To the wind of nrorn at th* casement-eaves; By the bees' derp murmur in the lines, By tlte music of the Sabbath-cMmeS By every sound of thy native shade; Stronger and dearer the spell is mail** Yes! when thy heart in its pride would stray, From the loves of its guileless youth away; When the sullying breath afthe world would come Oe'r the flowers it brought from its childhood's home; Think thou again of the woody glade, And (Jba sound by the ruling ivy made, Think of the tree at thy parent's door,-And th* kindly fpell shall have power once more! The very great length of the Report of the Committee of M MI u foe lures, tenders it inex . pedient for us to redeem a promise Partially ' ""' tot pan*r, tn publtah it entire "In"an extra (beet, or in one paper. We. therefore, offer al prevent a synopsis of Ihr report, *ueh, a* our anxiely to bring Ihe *ub-| ject immediately before Ihr. public, will allow, intending fo give the report entire in succeeding papers. SYNOPSIS OF MR. ADAMS' REPORT ON THE TARIFF. Having some time since announced to our Fellow-Ci'icrn*, that Ihe impoiUnce of Ihe tariff que* lion seemed to require a public declaration of Ihe sentiments ol Ihe people of Ibis hore, lr»t from lheirsilence.it niight be taken for granted that ibis part of Ihe stale accord* in opinion wilh Dallimore.and Ihe upper coontie* of the Western Miorc.cn th»t subject; more especially a* Mr. Cliy has so many personal friend* bere, who are directly opposed to what he (em* hi* American System; we re happy to have it in our power to inform then, that, from the lenor of the report of Ibe Commilte of Manufacture*, (of which Mr. Adam* i* Chairman,) coinciding in all it* important feature* wilh that which emanated from Ibe Administration, through it* constitutional organ, and the well grounded awurmnce that Congres* will sanction one or other of Ibese report* by Ihe enactment of a bill corresponding Ibere.wilh, il appears unnecessary to proceed in our |»ur|>o*e of calling a meeting of Ihe opponent* of Ihe system. If the eye* of (hose who have hitherto blindly followed in the path of the Father of the ) stem, are not opened by thi* exposition of Mr. Adam* (a man whom they formerly delighted to honour, and wliote extentive information was neterqucslior.ed by hi* billrrrtl foes) but Ihry should continue resolved to iu»h blindly on in Ibe aaauepalb, re(t»nlle*» whither il rmiy lend, then may our confidence in Ihe stability uf republican inaliluliuns. well be ihaken, and the perpetuity of Ibe Union que»lio»ed,witb good teaton. The Commillee iolhe, first place, observe, thai in thai part of Ihe Executive me*s»ge referred to them, they perceive the declaration of* purpose HIM! the as-eilion of a principle, the firsi ol «hicli met lluir cordul approbation, and Ihe second their entire concurrence, to wil: Ihe-application of Ihe mean* »t Ihe disposal of government lo Ihe extinction ol tlte National debt; and Ihr n«ce»»ity ol making U material reductions in (lie impost dul.r* prospective, and to lake t lire) from thr rllinc turn of Ihe. public debt. And lh?y proceed lo imported nr'icle win (her be he a resident ol Ihe North or the. South; and before coming lo such an extremity, they believe it the duly ol Congreta lo use every exertion in their"power lo conciliate with each other the two great inlrrests which Ihe course of event* ha* brought into direct collision. The occasion is now presented of accomplishing that object; but in removing and correcting the in equnlily of which the ciliten* of one section ol our country complain, il is incumbent on the LfgialHtive power to beware In removing oppression from one part of the Union, o as on Ihal of foreign production. On one k i* a bounty; on theefber a burden, and the repeal of the tax mttst operate as ao eqt>iva> lent reduction of the price of the article who ttu-r foreign or domestic. We s»y, so long a* Ihe importation continue*, the duty mutt be paid hy the purchaser of Ihe article. 8om* portion of it however Ufor a short interval ol ime, paid hy the foreigner, against wbpse radr the domestic cuni|tetilo> i* brought for wnrd. It affect* him as a reduction ol hispro> ila, which he endures for a lime, hut under ihe pressure of which, he is finally compelled lo withdraw 'from ihe market. While this struggle continues, the duly is paid hy ihe foreigner or by thr importing merchmil hrrr. The purchaser nnd consumer here are rrli«-v rd from the bunlen ol the duty, and may. perhaps obtain the goods cheaper thxn if they wrre exonerated from Ibe duly altogether. Bul Ihi* n-lief ia purchased by injustice, al the expense not only of the foreign manufacturer, hut of the importing merchant, till the duty becorm s prohibitory. It I hen the foreign maawfaeluter, Ihe importing merchant, Ihe shipper, the mariner. Mtid ihr whole class of riligens to whom the importation gave occupation and subsistence, suffer by '.he extinction of the Inrdr, precisely lo Ihe samr extent, lhat the profits ol Ihr domestic manufacturer arr en-»»• •* *•._ _ ___»••_. ;__•»;. _•_ ^___* , THR RACES j k>vcr the Central Course commenced ye«-\erd«y, and were, aumeroualy and fashionably attended. The first race waa a sweepstakes, mil* heats, entrance ft, 100, h. f. seven sub subscribers four paid forfeit three started the foUowmgis the result: Col.W R.Joo«»on'sb.e.N«iTCIiAel 1 J C. Craig and F. P. Corbin't m. p. f. Pi rate » S.m'l W Sroilh'i c. h. t.Mphm S Time 1st heal Iro. 57*. 3d heal l«. Foe tha Stema1 race Tut L»»i**' Cuptwo mile heal*, three started. J.C.Cr«i»'*b.m.rinriM»a7aytor 31 1 Dr. Caa*. Duval'* cb. m. Jtmim* rFUAnn MJ. M Seldea't Sfri^ Hi& JO* 9 dt. Time -1st heat 4 m. M «. 3od beat 3 m. 58t. 3d heat 4m. 61. COURSE RACES. ' The term« of s^le will be a credit of sis months on alNuini over live do la s,by thx pur chaser or purchasers, giving notes wilh approved security, bearing interest, from the day of »ale; for all sums of and under five dollars the rash will bn required. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. \ M. aMendMice given hy JOHN STEVENS. A-imini*trator of 7*oiiia* 1'errui Smitlt. dectnted June 5 Trustee's Sale. Y virtue of a decree of the Chancellor of Maryland, 1 will offer al public sale" at Qween't Town, between 10 and 13 o'clock, on MONDAY Ihe 35th of June, instant, a farm, belonging to Henry Hobht. Amelia B1 NEW SPRING GOODS. : The, suhseriber* havn just opened and* .ar ranged their new stock of Spring and ;8nnS>mer Goods, purchased'in Philadelphia an4 Ballimore/coniistingof Dry Goods, Groceries, Hartlvvtrt, CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWAJUa,etC. Jtt» a good auortment of . ' J. CLARK, Lottery fender, Baltimore. June 5 _______________ ___ Baltimore, Jan. 7 •m ac. MARRIED On Wednesday morning last, by the Rev.\ "I". tl.'jHocJtioM, Mr.JoiMiJ' " ' ^^ nlf»Xln*»toWn. , to Mu» DIED ' la thteeouaty « > Wedae*d*y but, Mr. Wil-At ba) neiitnet in Queen Ann1* county, a w^Uy* aiiMta, 4jU-Seloiaoo.Wright aged 6C jrean. . O» fta «ftti nit. near SadlenH Roads. 4uoM AM. W«. Famll. W A IB 28 at very reduced price*. THE subscriber being desirous of changing bis business, offer* for tale, hi* entire stock on band conaiating; of STONE. FINE AND COMMON EARTH EN WARE. The whole or any portion would he told a great bargain, wdl worth Ihe uttention of purobaaora ina»mu«li *a the diacount be would allow, (more than u»ual) would itsell lie a handaiim« prulil he a.lso would dispose of the I Potlerv Lot und Improvemenla, heinit eligibly hilu.itt-'d in Ihe vicinity ofthe best water, and in as healthy a situation as any part of the city of Baltimore, b> ing on Salisbury street, oelwecn S. High and Exeter streets, O-T. The Lol is 110 feet front by 80 feet (more or *») oWp; for terms apply comer of Exeter ' Salisbury streets. . ' DAVID BROWN. .. B. The Columbian Reaioralive lor Ihe ring, lo ha bad a* above, (which has prov il* efficacy) a* Ihe number of certificate* Mttion of the subscriber will shew (a other* one of forty year* duration.) ami . ba* diAerept preparation* iherefor.thoar rrqojre jl will please send (post paid) i. ute deecription ol tbe tentaiioni in their i.ovc. IMS. to enable him lo determine h it mo*t»ViiUbl* for their u*e. BaUk*ara,june5 4w *D.B. E subscriber would respectfully bo* leave to say to the Farmer* of Talbot ofi the adjacent countins, lhal having been W» gaged fora long time in ' '" Cradling of Scythes, hat established himself ia thi* place, and laM in a good supply of moat excellent, well SEASONED TIMBBR\ Sawed from the natural growth, which ia known to keep its position much better. H* w.nild also say that his mod* of polling tegetfcer, by inserting the braces in the tneed^ to opposed, by a vast many agriculturalist*. t«; h» vastly preferable lo the old mode. The public's obedient *ervt EDWARD STUART. Eaiton. may 89 Sw LEATHER Sf BARK. fllHE Subscriber* reipefttfully io/orn JL fr'.epd*, and the public, that they opened, and intend eon«tantU keei Hat Store of Mr. EooolU Rouell, l»ill|pl the Court Houae, A FULL AMD OBRtHAi, aMOMMWV Ojf UPPER & SOLE LEATHER, which (bey will tell for C..h. may 15 JOB JFJUJTIT or HJUVD « POSTA/VW CIRCULAR PJMPHLKTS. VitrrtM *an oTfjma 1LLSZ J BILLS, IRLKTTS*.
doi:10.13016/m2k931665 fatcat:n2ysqbwiinhtnkhyhdagzkdmji