Cesarean Section and Its Correlates Among Early Child Bearing Women in Nepal [post]

Aliza K C Bhandari, Ashmita Adhikari, Mijjal Shrestha, Mahbubur Rahman
2021 unpublished
Objective: To examine the factors associated with cesarean section among early child bearing women in Nepal.Results: Out of 4006 women of reproductive age group from 1996 to 2016, more than 50% had early pregnancy. The population-based cesarean section (CS) rate was about 10% [95% confidence interval: (8.9-11.6)]. Our logistic regression model showed that women with early child bearing had 32% (p-value <0.05, 95% confidence interval: 0.50- 0.94) less chance of having CS than women of age group
more » ... 9-29 years. It was also evident that poorest women of same age group had 66% less likelihood of having CS than the richest (p-value: <0.05, 95% confidence interval: 0.29-0.99). Similarly, women from province-1, province-3 and province-4, having complete four antenatal check-ups and delivering in a private institution were associated with CS among early child bearers.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-322307/v1 fatcat:3cpug2zpmrfshh4to4xgdwxzqm