Evaluation of soil texture determination using soil fraction data resulting from laser diffraction method

András Makó, Brigitta Szabó, Kálmán Rajkai, József Szabó, Zsófia Bakacsi, Viktória Labancz, Hilda Hernádi, Gyöngyi Barna
2019 International Agrophysics  
A b s t r a c t. There are global aspirations to harmonize soil particle-size distribution data measured by the laser diffraction method and by traditional sedimentation techniques, e.g. sieve-pipette methods. The need has arisen therefore to build up a database, containing particle-size distribution values measured by the sieving and pipette method according to the Hungarian standard (sieve-pipette methods-MSZ) and the laser diffraction method according to a widespread and widely used
more » ... . In our current publication, 155 soil samples measured with sieve-pipette methods-MSZ and laser diffraction method (Malvern Mastersizer 2000, HydroG dispersion unit) were compared. Through the application of the usual size limits at the laser diffraction method, the clay fraction was under-and the silt fraction was overestimated compared to the sieve-pipette methods-MSZ results, and subsequently the soil texture classes were determined according to the results of both methods also differed significantly from each other. Based on our previous experience, the extension of the upper size limit of the clay fraction from 2 to 7 µm increases the comparability of sievepipette methods-MSZ and laser diffraction method, in this way the texture classes derived from the particle-size distributions were also more in accordance with each other. The difference between the results of the two kinds of particle-size distribution measurement methods could be further reduced with the pedotransfer functions presented. K e y w o r d s: laser diffraction, particle-size distribution, pedotransfer function, soil texture triangle
doi:10.31545/intagr/113347 fatcat:midfajk64bf7xcx7ahnqdcxiaa