AHS mapping for hydrothermal alterations detection and mineral deposits exploration

Kamen Bogdanov, Timo Dönsberg, Teemu Kääriäinen, Francisco Senna Vieira, Mikhail Mekhrengin, Stefan Velev, Yana Georgieva
2022 Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society  
The Actve Hyperspectral Sensing (AHS) application for a mineral mapping have been tested on outcrops with porphyry-copper style of mineralization in the Vlaykov Vruh and Tsar Assen deposits. As a new tool used in mineral exploration AHS reveals the advantages for mineral detection and targeting as an express new innovative technology and efficient tool for mineral prospecting.
doi:10.52215/rev.bgs.2022.83.3.171 fatcat:g3ia3cncbfbzlhij6t3ehuqhcy