Comprehensive assessment of level of environmental safety in city in construction of industrial and civil facilities

A G Dolgopolova, N K Plugotarenko
2018 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
This work is devoted to the development of methods for a comprehensive assessment of the level of environmental safety in the city in the construction of industrial and civil facilities. The main methods of complex assessment of the influence of negative factors on the environment of cities and public health are considered. A logical-probabilistic model for assessing the level of environmental safety of the city in the construction of industrial and civil facilities has been developed, and it
more » ... so makes it possible to make a forecast of the city's ecological development when operating a finished facility. This will help to formulate and calculate the effectiveness of ongoing environmental activities to reduce environmental risks.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/451/1/012191 fatcat:u7vhzuxvafglhng7efehvjpi5e