Perception Of Oral Hygiene Practices And Dental Treatment Permissible During Fasting Amongst Dental Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study In Pakistan [post]

Khaloud Tariq, Arooj Ul Hassan, Muhammad Hassan, Shahab Ud Din, Zunaira Arooj, Moghees A. Baig
2020 unpublished
Background: Fasting places prohibitions on eating and drinking for a certain period of time. Although many dental treatments have been said to be safe and can be performed while fasting, other may result in breaking of fast. The study aims to evaluate the perception of dental patients of Lahore, Pakistan regarding effect of such treatments and hygiene measures during fasting. Methods : It was a cross-sectional survey carried out in 2 dental teaching hospitals of Lahore, Pakistan from September-
more » ... October 2018. Patients were asked to complete a self-administered structured questionnaire developed to assess the knowledge regarding dental treatments, and hygiene practices while fasting. The questionnaire consisted of 7 items regarding the influence of dental treatments such as filling, scaling, and extraction etc. on fasting. Questions were also added regarding maintenance of oral hygiene such as brushing and its effect on fast. Frequencies and percentages are used to display results. Chi-squared test was used for statistical analysis to estimate difference between gender, and educational status with perception of procedures breaking fast. Results : Out of 415 responses, 374 were included for analysis. About 76.2% respondents believed that undergoing extraction broke fast. Scaling was thought to nullify the fast by 45.5% of respondents. 52.9% perceived root canal treatment to break fast along with 67.6%, who believed anaesthesia administration broke fast. As far as oral hygiene was concerned, brushing was reported to break fast by 57.5% with the use of mouthwash invalidating fast by 63.4%. Conclusion : The respondents were generally aware of some procedures not breaking fast however, most thought that administration of anaesthesia, undergoing root canal treatment, and extraction invalidated fast. Also, hygiene maintenance measures such as brushing and use of mouthwash during was also thought to break fast. It is imperative that the healthcare providers should be familiar with the effect of dental treatments and oral hygiene measures on fasting state that can influence the treatment plan of the patients.
doi:10.21203/rs.2.22096/v2 fatcat:jylx7qjaobdmlgqhle76puri3e