Doppler effect as a tool for ultrashort electric field reconstruction

Pierre Bejot, Ester Szmygel, Antoine Dubrouil, Franck Billard, B. Lavorel, Olivier Faucher, edouard hertz
2020 Optics Letters  
We present a new, to the best of our knowledge, variant of the spectral-shearing interferometry method for characterizing ultrashort laser pulses. This original approach, called Doppler effect e-field replication (DEER), exploits the rotational Doppler effect for producing frequency shear and provides spectral shearing in the absence of frequency conversion, enabling operation in the ultraviolet spectral range. Evaluation of the DEER-spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field
more » ... truction setup reveals a phase reconstruction of great reliability. Possible improvements, benefits, and worthwhile prospects of the method are discussed.
doi:10.1364/ol.402935 pmid:33325899 fatcat:tntplekffzgvpguuomeojhc7bm