LPS Performance Diagnosis Model Using Fuzzy Inference System

Lynn Shehab, Elyar Pourrahimian, Diana Salhab, Farook Hamzeh
2022 Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction   unpublished
The Last Planner System (LPS) has long been used in construction projects to promote reliable planning and enhance productivity. However, despite various attempts to evaluate LPS implementation efforts, the human aspect of the evaluation attempts has not been given enough attention. This issue may be tackled through Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) to capture more information regarding the gradual and intricate changes in scoring systems. Therefore, this paper aims to offer a standardized
more » ... model for LPS performance in construction projects. This model employs an FIS that analyzes the results of an LPS implementation for a more accurate investigation of the implementation. First, a thorough literature review is conducted to select the most prominent factors influencing the LPS implementation process, followed by expert panel questionnaire development and distribution among LPS experts to rank the selected factors. The obtained questionnaire results are then used to develop the FIS. The objective of this paper is hereby twofold: (1) to allow assessing expected LPS benefits through the qualitative assessment of the performance in the four LPS phases, and (2) to facilitate comparing past, current, and future performances throughout the organization's LPS implementation process to ensure continuous improvement.
doi:10.24928/2022/0206 fatcat:gicvisqf2zbnfnermmn65bku6e