Architecture and dynamics of magma reservoirs

Marie Edmonds, Katharine V Cashman, Marian Holness, Matthew Jackson, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository
This introductory article provides a synopsis of our current understanding of the form and dynamics of magma reservoirs in the crust. This knowledge is based on a range of experimental, observational and theoretical approaches, some of which are multidisclipinary and pioneering. We introduce and provide contextual background for the papers in this issue, which cover a wide range of topics, encompassing magma storage, transport, behaviour and rheology, as well as the timescales on which magma
more » ... ervoirs operate. We summarise the key findings that emerged from the meeting and the challenges that remain. The study of magma reservoirs has wide implications not only for understanding geothermal and magmatic systems, but also for natural oil and gas reservoirs and for ore deposit formation.
doi:10.17863/cam.35369 fatcat:djda73kwvbad7ihlj73ls6ktlu