
平 龙
2021 教学方法创新与实践  
In recent years, the physical fitness of Chinese primary and secondary school students has become worse and worse, which has caused a great threat to the health of primary and secondary school students, this situation is caused by many reasons. In order to improve the physical quality of primary and middle school students, we need to do more physical exercises. Basketball is one of the earliest sports in China, and it is popular among students of all ages. However, there are still some
more » ... ies in the teaching of basketball course. For middle school students, many difficult skills can not be mastered, the traditional teaching mode has been unable to adapt to the current teaching situation, and the decomposition teaching method can solve these problems. Therefore, the paper based on this to carry out related research.
doi:10.26549/iptm.v4i3.6602 fatcat:i5zevg7mubepbgnyyzuaasgape