The Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, January 23, 1928]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Di-« Wkfc U*. * t v.v> \ i line i^iirrv atui Mnnrv _n N >-u 1 iiiit. urry a Cutcn aa4 fctir* Ojwlm. JTm •d 1 allord prun»t>t reM (a and AallniatK Tra Hodfin., d» Dratsirt TTk Corntr r>r^ Start Fimf Fotwn YEAR mUSFLIfER » DEAD TEH MILES ERON PLANE LOCAL INSURANCE AGENTS FORM ASSOCIATION Mm. VANCOLVER ISLAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA. MCW)AY. JA^^ARY 23. 192R IUmm. 1 Tilt iro/t» iKidy f( FrH \\Kbta. lia«. air man. Ir»t liner Jan 11. sai i»un4 Sai-nriUy ni«hl in the Bbck Pine Mountainv thiny milea
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... m HolbrotJi. linrMU C.mnly. Idaho, ihr llofcror* Kktdiorm inwralor ha. notilKd ihr .^.«< IrcdB the place • here hi. dem«J-•.bed plane na. di«o»ered Ule Satur day. Jan. U l|f na. flyia« a Tear Man biphne Hnibruok 1. abont thirty ankt north ra«t o( Sire.iBe, b'tah. where Hoyt*, plane na. laM .mhlrd by a Urmer. I:1. ill iaied lb«hi Hoyt at the li wa. flying in a mow-.uwm and it I. e.ident. my air tdficial.. that va» the cao.e of the cra.h. A lew meagre detaily received by Pnune.. Manager lliarle. T Wright Mm. in a long distance call lo HolbriKdi loM of the finding of one of Ho>t'. glove, in the ctiUtpit of Hit plane Thi. wenid lead to the l«-liel. declared Manager Wrgihtwjn. that Hoyt jaroiied from hi. .hip before the rra»h. to hia parachute lo carry him lo mfety It may M. m>d Wr^iwm. that Hoyt polled hi. glore off while yet in the Uiip^ that he co«ld get to the ring which open, the chute It ia alM poMible. It it decUred. that to the ground tafely. .tarteJ on (or .heher and !<•« hi. bearing. The following wa. entered in the aviator', dairy: "january 14 IVJg--6J0 pm left Sah Lake City. At tM pm. reached the pat. (Slevell Pa..t Fog on gr.nind K> decided to go ab».e a. weather re poet clear at Burley lUd I5JUU feet At pUcec At a well attended meeting lirld in le dining room at the Hotel Malal pina .m Saturday evening, the local Invurance Agent, decided to form an \..ncialion. I. Sbetky the Vai and Mr. Franci. Fait. cecretary at tended the meeting whxh wa. pee.ided hy Senator Plaata ICEBLOCIADE THREATENS CITT IN MICHIGAN River, which run. through the centre of ihi. city, hm nwhl had formed . huge bkxkade at a bridge beer, throw ing the river of fh. courM and flood-Latl night city official, began Ma.1 ing with dynamite in an rffuri t« de» irov the gorge and releate the watti to Uke Erie. \ mdden rive in temperature today loowned huge fhw. of ice in the upper te» of the river. RIG AUDIENCE HEARD TALENTED MELD CAUCUf TODAY Viauwia. Jan. a.-Almml al angpaH.ri uf thn g.eurwmnut wwen CONDniONOFREY. DILCIiTREPORTED TOKIMPROTED GREECE DESIRES TRADE TREAH WnH CANADA l.e.!ie Clay. Vxi udmk Jan 21. -D Caclam I,reek miai.icr here, called on Ho (■ Imrkin. Canadian High Cou .umcr in London th» morning .r.fcrtcd with Mr. Urkin lor nearly an hour with regard to a trade treaty iwiween l.reece and Canada. At pre cent Canada ha. no trade treaty wrtf .eneral A.wmfdy of the Pre-Hyterian hti'ch m Canada, it reported .Oi'ay ic regained cvnieiominev. am* re., iiw catBy. by phyMcian. of the ho.prtal wrtiere he « confined while re uiwrating from afircl. of heart at tack Ih Cby it. wa. .laied. had iwitly bwl hi. power of .peech and will be nnder treatment lor mrertl week. Prisoner Escapes In Gun Fight at Dublin Hospital Hul.liii, Jtn 21-Jam. c Vugent. » .Minded |M.htical pTiwmer. wa. liber tied frvmi Saint BrKin'. military ho. .ttil .horily after midnight in a mn miiunat uacapu which waa acesngwied '>> a pi.tol liattle. Two armed into the.