Secure digital image sharing using diverse image media

Gayathri Soman, Jyothish K John
2015 2015 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT)  
Traditional visual secret sharing (VSS) schemes hide secret images inshares that are either printed on transparencies or are encoded and stored in any digital form. The shares can be noise-like shares or meaningful images; but it will increase risk during transmission of the shares. Hence, VSS schemes suffer from a transmission risk problem both for the secret as well as for the participants who are involved in the VSS scheme. In order to solve these problems, a natural-image-based VSS scheme
more » ... at shares secret images with the help of other images to protect the secret during the transmission phase is proposed. The proposed (n, n) -NVSS scheme can share one digital secret image using n -1 arbitrary selected shares and one share which is noise share. The natural shares can be photos as well as hand painted pictures in digital form as well as in printed form. The noise-like share is generated based on these natural shares and the secret image. The natural shares which are not altered are diverse and innocuous, thus greatly reducing the transmission risk problem. Also proposes a better secure way to hide the noise like share to reduce the transmission risk problem for the share. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is an excellent solution for solving the transmission risk problem for the VSS schemes.
doi:10.1109/icatcct.2015.7456867 fatcat:7hpn5vh6bfhnbbattb5fpzdkle