11-5 シミュレーションを用いた酸化物TFT の欠陥密度評価(第11部門 情報センシング,情報ディスプレイ)
11-5 Trap Density Extraction in Oxide-TFTs Using Device Simulation

Hiroshi TSUJI, Mitsuru NAKATA, Yoshiki NAKAJIMA, Yoshihide FUJISAKI, Tatsuya TAKEI, Toshihiro YAMAMOTO
2013 Proceedings of the ITE Winter Annual Convention  
We have developed a new method to extract the density of trap states from oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs) by combining simulation using a computationally efficient model and measurement by the low-frequency capacitance method. The developed method enables fast and accurate characteristic analyses for oxide-TFTs.
doi:10.11485/itewac.2013.0_11_4 fatcat:h4chgihcpfh5tcfgw5ewiupbf4