Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous Ti-ZSM-5: A High Active Catalyst for Benzene Alkylation with Methanol

Jie Cen, Ning Zhang, Hualei Hu, Nan Yao, Zhengjia Li, Linyan Yang, Feng Feng, Chunshan Lu, Xiaonian Li
2020 Catalysts  
The major challenge in the production of xylene from benzene alkylation with methanol is to avoid the side reaction of methanol with olefins, and this leads to the low utilization efficiency of methanol and the generation of byproduct ethylbenzene. Hierarchical porous Ti-ZSM-5 with appropriate acidity was achieved by substituting part of Al by Ti in the synthesis process, which exhibited the high utilization efficiency of methanol and high suppression of the ethylbenzene formation by the efficient suppression of methanol to olefins.
doi:10.3390/catal10060693 fatcat:4ldkv6wfijhgvbkags2n3h7uqa