There's more to their story : portraits about the everyday classroom lives of Mexican-origin teen mothers at an alternative school [article]

Ganiva Reyes
This dissertation is about care, love, and support, so I want to start out with extending my deepest gratitude to my family-my Mom, Dad, Iram, Irving, and Margery, for having such patience and understanding for me throughout my graduate school career. There have been several ups and downs along my crazy roller coaster ride and regardless of the twists and turns, each one of you has been there with me. Mom, thank you for always encouraging me to strive for bigger goals. You have supported me in
more » ... o many ways through your hard work and endless courage, ¡muchas gracias! Dad, thank your for understanding me and encouraging me throughout the years. Your artistic sentiments have always been an inspiration to me. ¡Los quiero mucho a los dos! I especially want to recognize Juan, my life partner, mi media naranja, and my source of inspiration. You have been there for me in every capacity imaginable, and your belief in me has helped me grow as a scholar, an intellectual, and as a person. To my friends who have also been like family-Celina, Pollo, Chris, Jackie, Rae, Sandra, Chuck, Marissa, and BoLa-thank you for your support, encouragement, and all the fun times that have kept me going! To my cousin Ruben, thank you for checking in on me and listening to me. Your support and excitement has been a great source of motivation. I also want to thank the students and teachers who participated in this study and opened up their hearts and stories to me. Thank you for your time and energy, and for sharing your personal insights and experiences. I deeply appreciate the mothering
doi:10.15781/t2v40k026 fatcat:3po26ri5uvfrhj3rgzdnxmunoa