Redevelopment in California: Its Past, Present and Possible Future

Stewart Black
2013 California Journal of Politics and Policy  
On February 1 2012, in a remarkable development, California's 400 redevelopment agencies were dissolved. This article (1) traces the agencies' evolution and the wider 67-year history of redevelopment in California; makes comparisons with other states' use of redevelopment and tax increment finance to support redevelopment; assesses the position immediately prior to dissolution of the agencies; examines the meaning of the actions leading to dissolution; and considers the immediate impact of
more » ... lution (Part 1). (2) Draws some conclusions about the recent model for redevelopment; and provides a detailed discussion of how the model might be improved in the event of a future revival of redevelopment -in particular by addressing known past problems relating to clarifying policy outcomes, inter-governmental partisanship, measuring success, improving reporting and accountability, and improving responsibilities for these activities at state and local levels (Part 2).
doi:10.5070/p2ns30 fatcat:czk4qxvpx5egtm46xkwcm4oofu