Permeability assessment of some granular mixtures

S. Feng, P. J. Vardanega, E. Ibraim, I. Widyatmoko, C. Ojum
2018 Geotechnique  
This note presents some constant-head permeability test results on 30 granular mixtures. These data are then interpreted using the grading entropy approach, as well as the 'Hazen', 'Shepherd', 'Kozeny-Carman' and 'Chapuis' models. The predictive power of each of the five methods is compared. A correlation between the normalised grading entropy coordinates and the coefficient of permeability is presented. Permeability zones on the normalised entropy diagram are identified.
doi:10.1680/jgeot.17.t.039 fatcat:go7j4onaa5achorrrloco7627u