Yusupov Alimardon Mirza Ogli, Dzhurabekova Aziza Takhirovna, Isanova Shoira Tulkinovna, Maftuna Alisherovna Mukhtarova
2022 Zenodo  
Nocturnal enuresis is a violation of control over urine excretion, characterized by involuntary urine excretion by a child in a dream. In the ancient Egyptian papyri of the XV century, the symptoms of urinary incontinence at night associated with nocturnal enuresis (from the Greek "enureo" - urination) are described. In the existing literature, it is stated that nocturnal enuresis or urinary incontinence is diagnosed only from the age of 5, that is, when the child reaches the standard age when
more » ... he function of the bladder can be controlled.The fact that this disease occurs in 2.3 - 30% of children aged 4 to 15 years and occurs in one out of every 3-4 children underlines the relevance of this condition.To date, nocturnal enuresis is widespread among children, which not only harms the child's health, but is also considered one of the social barriers on the child's path to securing his place in a healthy society along with mental disorders.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7462815 fatcat:6fxamqjo3nf7tmb723ls4ggq7q