Особенности структурирования и абляции тонких пленок титана фемтосекундными лазерными импульсами

Е.В. Кузьмин, А.В. Клековкин
2022 Оптика и спектроскопия  
The processes of structuring and ablation of a titanium film by femtosecond laser pulses at wavelengths of 515 nm and 1030 nm have been studied in both single-pulse and multi-pulse modes. The optimal energy regimes for the selective removal of film material without damaging the substrate, as well as the regimes for the generation of the periodic structures on the surface, are determined. The evolution of periodic structures with an increase in the number of laser pulses is shown. The precision
more » ... emoval of titanium film is associated with thermomechanical explosive boiling and the corresponding energy contribution, which ensures the cascade appearance of ablation craters.
doi:10.21883/os.2022.04.52265.66-21 fatcat:iwmum2p32ncdtoyk3sxcrdxpky