薄板 (1.5-6粍) V型接手電弧鎔接に於て生ずる歪と假補強材との關係に就て (I)

美馬 源次郎
1935 Journal of the Japanese Welding Society  
It is a well known fact that the metalic arc welding are generally followed by the permanent strain in the iron and steel work industry. The most works in our country are adopting semi rigiel type in welding to prevent from this deformation. The author tested how to use the strips effectively-the relation between the welding line and the strips. This result showed the fact that the permanent strain is most effectively prevented when the strips are put at right angle to wedling line. To begin
more » ... h, the author investigated the state of the deformation caused by the metalic arc welding with thin plate and then the chief cau5e of the permanent strain and the position of the strips well fitting for this object.
doi:10.14920/qjjws1931.5.149 fatcat:zurgo5mevbbvfduo2h7qgjozu4