KRISEM : a cloud solution for service watchdog [article]

Moshiul Arefin
As companies continue to grow and expand, Information Technology professionals must constantly ensure the integrity and availability of vital automated services (e.g., HTTP, air traffic control systems etc.). To ensure availability, key automated services needed to keep the organization operational must be monitored continuously. Factors such as program failure and operating system maintenance can cause these services to crash. Services need to be restarted immediately to keep the business
more » ... tional. There are a variety of automated service monitoring solutions available, but those with universal applicability are of particular interest. The drawbacks of these systems have been their resource limitations as well as the need for complex configuration to make their outage data available from any location. A solution based in the cloud could remove many resource constraints and more easily achieve widespread applicability. This report presents KRISEM, a cloud-based service management approach and application which provides monitoring for services running on vi remote servers while bypassing many limitations and otherwise necessary configurations to achieve widespread ease of deployment in its pursuit of ensuring higher services availability. User was able to monitor machine to machine communication gateway for Gardner Airport air traffic control system located at Springfield, Missouri with less than 30 minutes configuration time and it recovered from a crash in 2.5 seconds. The application provides all the necessary functionality such as: monitoring, alert notification, data visualization and archiving. The report presents the concept, design, implementation and envisioned future extensions to KRISEM.
doi:10.15781/t2p03d fatcat:yhooavrlrnak3n6gy2j57fmm3i