Discussion: "Convection Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Air Flowing Across In-Line Tube Banks: II—Correlation of Data for Ten-Row-Deep Tube Banks" (Gram, A. J., Mackey, C. O., and Monroe, Jr., E. S., 1958, Trans. ASME, 80, pp. 25–34)

David Dropkin
1958 American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers  
FIG. 10 CORRELATION OF PRESSURE-DROP FACTOR / INDEPENDENT OF REYNOLDS NUMBER Discussion DAVID DROPKIN. 6 The authors have made a valuable contribution to this important field of heat transfer and are to be commended on the scope and clarity of their paper. There is, however, some additional information that is pertinent to this report. In Fig. 2 , for the ST/D X SL/D arrangements of 2 X l'A and 2X2, the pressure-drop factor/shows a rapid rise at the higher Rejmolds numbers. For example, in the
more » ... X2 arrangement / increases from about 0.26 to 0.42 in the range of Reynolds number from about 25,000 to 32,000.
doi:10.1115/1.4012242 fatcat:nwhgmj7kpjftjfevubu5vyabae