Narrative Health Communication [chapter]

Hans Hoeken, Hanny den Ouden
2019 Narratives in Research and Interventions on Cyberbullying among Young People  
Narrative health interventions are considered potentially more effective than rhetorical health interventions as they are more likely to attract attention, be more comprehensible and memorable, and are less likely to evoke resistance. Metaanalyses reveal significant yet modest effects of narrative interventions on people's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviours. In this chapter, we will discuss the nature of narrative health interventions, the ways in which they can exert their impact,
more » ... nd the need to tailor these interventions to the target audience. For example, in a cyberbullying situation, narrative interventions focusing on perpetrators should tell a different story to those interventions focusing on victims. Further, neither of these targeted interventions should be the same as a communication aimed at bystanders who wish to intervene on behalf of victims.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04960-7_5 fatcat:nomvxtafxreydjkqlx6e4o7tj4